- Multiplayer Observations - Join a Steam friend’s party with the “Join Friends” button! - You can’t pause the game while there’s another person in the same system. - Chat only works inside the current system, even in your party. - When you go to another system or enter the anomaly, all other players see is that you left the system. - They can’t tell where you went. - You can see a person icon on the world map if someone in your party is at a star. - Only works if they’re in a nearby system because you can’t see the icon if the star isn’t visible. - Friends can’t see each others’ chat - When two friends joined me, I could see chat from both of them, and they could both see chat from me, but they couldn’t see chat with each other. - You can’t see another person’s freighter while your freighter is in the system. - You have to dismiss your freighter for your friend’s freighter to appear. - Freighters are often not in the same place for all players. - If two players land on the same freighter but it is in two different places, the other player will look like they are standing off in space. - Entering or exiting an expedition leaves your party - Quitting the game while in an expedition makes your game save an expedition game save - This allows you to join a friend in expedition. - Don’t forget to switch before joining, or you’ll make a new game. - Friends can complete your expedition milestones. - Random Thoughts - To avoid clicking on stuff randomly, press a key like alt or ctrl after alt tabbing back in. - Things to bring into expeditions - Money - Nanites - Tech - Portable Refiner - Haz-Mat Gauntlet - Trade Rocket - Freighter Matter Beam - Items - Repair Kits - Warp Fuel - Hazard Batteries - Ship Shield Batteries - Useful Links - [No Man's Sky | Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/) - [No Man's Sky Coordinate Exchange](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/) - Get coordinates to nice stuff! - [No Man's Sky Glyph Exchange (NMSGE)](https://nmsge.com/) - A web app to get coordinates - [No Man's Sky Wiki](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/No_Man%27s_Sky_Wiki) - [Submit a request – Hello Games](https://hellogames.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=167605) - File bug reports - [[Guild Donations Research]] - [[Games/No Man's Sky/Private]]