- [x] Redo Pix Cheer avatar toggles and fix write defaults issue ✅ 2025-02-07 - [x] Extract more prefabs ✅ 2025-02-07 - [x] Set up and upload DT Knit ✅ 2025-02-07 - [x] Set up and upload nurse outfit ⏳ 2025-02-07 ✅ 2025-02-08 - [ ] Create new tonite avatar - [ ] Add material toggles to Sukumizu - [ ] Add material toggles to Lotus - [ ] Fix name of head mesh in Substance - [ ] Redo ear UVs - [ ] Paint ear texture - [ ] Adjust face and body textures - [ ] Move side tails (or import from old project) - [ ] Redo hair physbones - [ ] Create new expressions: [[Avatar Expression Checklist]] - [ ] Put a barcode on meidoushi tag - [ ] Customize Marshmallow PB - [ ] Customize chest physbones for optimal avatar - [ ] Try extracting AFK face animation layer from Chocolat directly - [ ] Find out why integral camera’s camera override position is off (stuck to avatar?) - [ ] Tweak or redo materials on body - [ ] Remake Upload from the base fbx - [ ] Create a Chocolat outfit avatar - [ ] Apply menu defaults to avatars - [ ] Update Milltina 🔼 ⏳ 2025-02-11 - [ ] Try this hair shadow thing: https://x.com/shion_vrc/status/1889155758249668676?s=12 - ミルティナちゃんの髪型を変えたら前髪のマテリアルを 1 つ追加してステンシルの Pass を Replace にして、Material に入ってる Milltina_Hair_FakeShadow を利用して落ち影を作ろうねって話 オマケで FakeShadow のステンシル設定で Pass を Keep から Zero にすると重なった部分の色が濃くなるのが無くなるよ - [x] Fix chill days portrait ⏳ 2025-02-07 ✅ 2025-02-07 - [-] Consider getting VRCFury again to fix write defaults ❌ 2025-02-06 - [x] Reupload all avatars ⏳ 2025-02-04 ✅ 2025-02-04 - [x] Put on [Pix Cheer](https://booth.pm/ja/items/6086818) ⏳ 2025-02-04 ✅ 2025-02-04 - [x] Change Stocking back to non-optimized avatar ⏳ 2025-02-03 ✅ 2025-02-03 - [x] Reupload all avatars 📅 2025-02-04 ✅ 2025-02-03 ✅ 2025-02-03 - [-] Fix lollipop missile ❌ 2025-02-04 - [x] Buy [SvartLilja outfit](https://booth.pm/ja/items/6556267) 🛫 2025-02-03 ⏳ 2025-02-03 📅 2025-02-12 ✅ 2025-02-03 - https://accounts.booth.pm/orders/57397788 - [x] Back up the SvartLilja outfit file just in case ⏳ 2025-02-03 ✅ 2025-02-03 - [x] Set up SvartLilja outfit ⏳ 2025-02-03 ✅ 2025-02-03 - [x] Get [LotusChina](https://asapidock.booth.pm/items/4945129) ⏳ 2025-02-03 ✅ 2025-02-03 - [x] Set up LotusChina ⏳ 2025-02-03 ✅ 2025-02-03 - [-] Find an outfit to use for Good rank avatar (low poly with no physbones) ❌ 2025-02-03 - [x] Set up [one piece stocking](https://chume.booth.pm/items/6552836) ✅ 2025-02-03 - [x] Create body texture and material with no nipples ✅ 2025-02-03 - [x] Find a solution to mismatched eye bone positions breaking optimized avatar ✅ 2025-02-03 - [x] Add toggles to Sukumizu ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Try to fit chill days to cow shape ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Reupload all avatars ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Set up cow bikini outfit ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Get the [cow bikini outfit](https://koarare-atelier.booth.pm/items/6178116) ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Check Milltina apron blend shapes ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Get the [miko outfit](https://asapidock.booth.pm/items/5646504) ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Set up miko outfit ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Remove skirt from Milltina default ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Recolor eyebrows ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Reimport milltina_sukumizu.unitypackage to check if any files changed ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Move staff forward ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Find that [cow bikini outfit](https://koarare-atelier.booth.pm/items/6178116) ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Get more Milltina outfits ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Add Milltina toggles ✅ 2025-02-01 - [-] Double check staff settings ❌ 2025-01-30 - [x] Replace Selestia prefab ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Recolor Milltina skin ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Put Rue Menu back on Milltina ✅ 2025-02-01 - [x] Set up Milltina outfit ✅ 2025-02-01 - [-] Add toggles to City Nomad ❌ 2025-01-31 - [-] Install [Super Bikini](https://accounts.booth.pm/orders/41735178) ❌ 2025-01-31 - [-] Install [Open Back Sweater](https://accounts.booth.pm/orders/30592497) ❌ 2025-01-31 - [-] Install [Bunny Suit](https://accounts.booth.pm/orders/30590628) ❌ 2025-01-31 - [-] Install [Reverse Bunny](https://accounts.booth.pm/orders/29966757) ❌ 2025-01-31 - [-] Install [Super Ribbon](https://accounts.booth.pm/orders/53959238) ❌ 2025-01-31 - [-] Install [CyberRabbit](https://accounts.booth.pm/orders/53962303) ❌ 2025-01-31 - [-] Change CyberRabbit menu item into a toggle ❌ 2025-01-31 - [-] Make chest bigger with an animation ❌ 2025-01-31 - [-] Rename avatar folders ❌ 2025-01-30 - [x] Find out why Continuous Avatar Uploader is broken ✅ 2025-01-30 - [x] Consider [Milltina](https://dolosart.booth.pm/items/6538026) ✅ 2025-01-31 - [Avatar Network](https://avatar-network.herokuapp.com/avatar/6538026) - [Boothplorer](https://boothplorer.com/avatar/6538026) - [x] Remove parameters from PoLKA and LITHO ✅ 2025-01-29 - [x] Figure out which avatar to put IruaStore prefabs on ✅ 2025-01-29 - [x] Install [The Explorer](https://accounts.booth.pm/orders/55372956) ✅ 2025-01-28 - [x] Install [Sabbath](https://accounts.booth.pm/orders/40855977) ✅ 2025-01-28 - [x] Install [City Nomad](https://accounts.booth.pm/orders/50167627) ✅ 2025-01-28 - [x] Look at [IruaStore](https://vulpeculakitsune.booth.pm/) ✅ 2025-01-28 - [x] Identify more avatars to convert ✅ 2025-01-27 - [x] Fix optimized prefab not being optimized anymore ✅ 2025-01-27 - [x] Double check invisible avatar still is invisible ✅ 2025-01-27 - [x] Move head tracked litho in front of eyes ✅ 2025-01-27 - [-] Double check view position ❌ 2025-01-27 - [x] Double check avatar freezing ✅ 2025-01-27 - [x] Make eye glitter easier to see ✅ 2025-01-27 - [x] Reapply GoGoLoco defaults ✅ 2025-01-27 - [x] Reupload avatars ✅ 2025-01-26 - [x] Double check chocolat avatar folder for dependencies ✅ 2025-01-26 - [x] Fix tonite halo rotation ✅ 2025-01-26 - [x] Try adjusting merge armature ✅ 2025-01-26 - [x] Create a combined sub-menu ✅ 2025-01-26 - [x] Try to make litho on head visible ✅ 2025-01-26 - [x] Create a optimized avatar ✅ 2025-01-26 - [x] Create optimized prefab ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Copy selestia chest physbones for optimal avatar ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Tweak eye material ✅ 2025-01-26 - [x] Reupload old Selestia avatars ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Maid bikini ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Angel ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Upload ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Create new avatars for those avatars ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Maid bikini ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Angel ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Upload ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Rename old avatars ✅ 2025-01-26 - [x] Try setting avatar scale based on eye height ✅ 2025-01-25 - `commit 4491ef1bb5656135bd8023aed3dadce9916f3468` - [x] Move Polka menu into photo tools ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Remove VRCFury from project ✅ 2025-01-25 - [-] Use mass blend shape sync on FaceEmo setup scene ❌ 2025-01-25 - [x] Consider [Haï~](https://docs.hai-vr.dev/) tools again ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Create an invisible avatar ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Fix position of all avatars ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Fix tool freezing during pose ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Try enabling higher quality Virtual Lens photos ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Try to reset avatar scale ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Fix viewpoint position ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Reinstall VirtualLens2 again ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Try restoring eye bones ✅ 2025-01-25 - [-] Try reimporting integral? ❌ 2025-01-25 - [x] Customize GoGoLoco menu defaults ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Remove parameters from Summer’s clothing menu items ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Add menu for angel toggles ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Add maid bikini toggles ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Check full body locomotion settings ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Put a matcap into eyes ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Make eye hearts glow ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Look into more photo tools ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Make scene background [[Purplrue]] ✅ 2025-01-24 - [x] Fix ear position to remove gap from base ⏳ 2025-01-24 ✅ 2025-01-24 - [x] Investigate low quality photo issue ⏳ 2025-01-24 ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Double check whole avatar prefab ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Investigate issue where I can’t see while calibrating ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Find out why Upload has 5 meshes ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Edit VirtualLens2 default settings ✅ 2025-01-25 - [x] Set up ears in Blender 🆔 k488m3 ✅ 2025-01-24 - [x] Put ears on Chocolat ⛔ k488m3 ✅ 2025-01-24 - [x] Fix clipping on upload ✅ 2025-01-24 - [x] Fix upload physbones ✅ 2025-01-24 - [-] Make angel more transparent ❌ 2025-01-23 - [x] Investigate [this liltoon setting](https://fixupx.com/_/status/1881991732927316070) ✅ 2025-01-23 - [x] Make eyelashes lighter ✅ 2025-01-23 - [x] Unify body and face texture shade ✅ 2025-01-23 - [x] Retexture head and body ✅ 2025-01-23 - [x] Make body skin lighter ✅ 2025-01-22 - [x] Find all base avatar dependencies and move them into Rue folder ✅ 2025-01-22 - [x] Check upload order ✅ 2025-01-22 - [x] Check again if integral camera’s camera override position is still off #tasks/context/vrchat 🆔 18ju4z ✅ 2025-01-22 - [x] Add Upload ✅ 2025-01-22 - `commit 0b2253f5f11df446fc616af3d38ee475a8870918` - [x] Fix Maid Bikini lighting ✅ 2025-01-22 - [x] Extract Upload fbx from old avatar ✅ 2025-01-22 - [x] Import Upload package ✅ 2025-01-22 - [x] Pick out some outfits to port over ✅ 2025-01-21 - [x] Add [Maid Bikini](https://accounts.booth.pm/orders/32101406) ✅ 2025-01-22 - [x] Add [Angel Dress](https://accounts.booth.pm/orders/33700754) ✅ 2025-01-22 - [x] Test if AvatarPoseSystem has frozen eye bones ⛔ msygrc ✅ 2025-01-21 - [-] Retry VirtualLens2 setup ❌ 2025-01-21 - [x] Copy eye bones from Chocolat to Selestia 🆔 msygrc ✅ 2025-01-21 - [x] Fix hair shading ⏫ 📅 2025-01-21 ✅ 2025-01-21 - [x] Enable contact squish on Marshmallow PB ✅ 2025-01-21 - [x] Pick a preset on Marshmallow PB ✅ 2025-01-21 - [-] Create non-destructive chest size adjuster (with ChatGPT) 🆔 6od68t ❌ 2025-01-20 - Going to try just making an animation first - [x] Check if camera position is more comfortable #tasks/context/vrchat ✅ 2025-01-20 - [-] Figure out how to adjust VirtualLens2 reposition origin to be more comfortable #tasks/context/vrchat ❌ 2025-01-20 - [x] Fix bounds ✅ 2025-01-20 - [x] Unpack photography kit into avatar prefab ✅ 2025-01-20 - [x] Add AFK face animation ✅ 2025-01-19 - `commit c802e9522101c6907357ec2d966024072ff7bb9e` - [x] Fix heart eyes ✅ 2025-01-19 - [x] Add heart eyes 🔺 ✅ 2025-01-19 - [x] Install [Marshmallow PB](https://wataame89.booth.pm/items/4511536) ✅ 2025-01-19 - `commit 5cfcfe7fd115f563690cfd0cbbc9aec4cb7ffa2b` - [x] Double check Selestia blend shapes ✅ 2025-01-19 - [x] Add Chocolat expressions back in ✅ 2025-01-19 - [x] Add toggles for summer dress outfit ✅ 2025-01-19 - [x] Remove selestia physbones ✅ 2025-01-19 - [x] Fix mesh anchors and root bones ✅ 2025-01-19 - [x] Update avatar optimizer to 1.8.4 ⏫ ✅ 2025-01-19 - [x] Rename GoGoLoco menu ✅ 2025-01-19 - [-] Make fake physbone chain script ⛔ lpcqhp ❌ 2025-01-19 - Use [AAO Merge Physbone](https://vpm.anatawa12.com/avatar-optimizer/en/docs/reference/merge-physbone/) - [x] Check if VirtualLens eye markers still work ✅ 2025-01-19 - [x] Make new photography prefab 🆔 m60ef0 ✅ 2025-01-19 - [x] Create a base prefab ✅ 2025-01-19 - [x] Put Selestia body on Chocolat 🆔 lpcqhp ✅ 2025-01-19